Accruals: Settings Tab
- Policy Name - Identifier for the grouping of rules for the accrual policy.
- Benefit Pay Code - Select from this list the non-work pay code to use for the benefit time accrual.
- Starting Balance - This setting determines the method to use for calculating the beginning benefit time balance and for the employee. The options to select from are:
- Use Existing Benefit Balance - This option will set the starting balance based of the employee's current benefit balance.
- Set Balance to 0 - Resets the beginning balance to zero.
- Accrue Retroactively - Select this option and then set the date in the past to start the accrual. The accrual will automatically calculate using the difference between this date and the employee's hire date.
- Custom Value - Enter the desired amount of benefit time for the beginning balance.
- Carry Over Benefit Time - Select if and how a remaining benefit time balance will be handled. The options to select from are:
- Do Not Carry Over - No benefit time will be remembered and brought forward.
- January 1st - On January 1st the carry over amount will be calculated based on the settings of the accrual level.
- Hire Date - On the employee's hire date the carry over amount will be calculated based on the settings of the accrual level.
- Custom Date - Set the date on which the carry over amount will be calculated based on the settings of the accrual level.
- Prorate First Accrual - Select how to calculate the benefit time during the first accrual cycle of the policy. The options to select from are:
- Prorate First Accrual - Select this option to have the accrual calculated based on the amount of time the employee is on the job. For Example: If the employee starts work in mid accrual cycle, the amount of benefit time accrued is based on the amount of time they are on the job during the accrual cycle. The employee's hire date is used to calculate how much time is prorated.
- Accrue Full Amount - Select this option to have the total amount of the accrual calculated, even if the employee was not on the job for the entire accrual cycle.
- Include Inactive Employees - Select whether a benefit time pay code will accrue for an employee that is set to inactive.
- Do Not Include Inactive Employees - Select this option to not allow benefit time pay code accruals for employees that are set to inactive.
- Include Inactive Employees - Select this option to allow benefit time pay code accruals for employees that are set to inactive.
Wed 12/05/2018